



华人博彩论坛 is committed to providing employees with a comprehensive benefits 满足个人和他/她家庭需要的套餐. 许多 福利是灵活的,并提供选择,以满足各种利益 需要.



大学 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members three PPO Plans and one HMO Plan: two 卫生保健 Accounts (HCA), Health Savings Account (HSA) and 组织通过 伊利诺伊州蓝十字/蓝盾协会. 所有的PPO计划都是消费者驱动的、高免赔额的健康计划. 有一个月刊 雇员供款因保险选择而异. 健康预防包括在内 两种计划都是100%(网络).

大学 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members the option of two 牙科计划 伊利诺伊州德尔塔牙科公司. 您可以选择PPO或DHMO计划设计.

大学 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members the option of vision 保险通过 视力服务计划 (VSP).

大学 currently provides eligible faculty and staff members group term life 保险金额为基本年薪的两倍 林肯金融集团. You may also purchase additional optional coverage with maximum benefit limits that 包括年龄限制.


大学 currently provides eligible faculty and staff members 短期残疾 好处通过 林肯金融集团. 这 employer paid benefit offers a percentage of income continuation based on your 服务年限,以最高收入和工作年限为限.

大学 currently provides eligible faculty and staff members 长期残疾 好处通过 林肯金融集团. 这个雇主支付的福利为你90岁以后每月基本工资的60% 伤残天数,以最高收入和伤残天数为限.


大学目前为符合条件的员工提供带薪病假. 时间是累积的 根据你的常规和/或兼职时间表.

大学目前为符合条件的员工提供带薪假期. 补偿 假期是一项累积福利. 雇员正式受雇的第一天 大学应被称为他/她的就业纪念日.

大学 currently offers eligible staff members paid 陪审员的义务 time to avoid 因该服务而造成的任何经济损失.

大学 currently offers eligible staff members to take up to three work days 带薪参加丧亲服务并处理相关个人事务 直系亲属的死亡. 直系亲属: a parent, spouse, spouse's parent, child, spouse's child by a former marriage, grandparent, 养父母,兄弟或姐妹. 丧假的工资将按实际情况支付 工作损失的时间.


大学 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members retirement benefits 通过 TIAA-Cref金融服务. 你可以把薪水的一部分存入个人退休计划 a tax-deferred basis not to exceed the maximum exclusion allowance as defined by the 美国国税局. 大学将提供50%的补助,另外还有1%的补助 教师和25%加上额外的 .员工5%. 一年的等待期 a University match will be waived for all employees with existing retirement contracts 对于那些在三个月内从其他教育机构来的学生.



华人博彩论坛 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members a tuition waiver benefit program for up to two courses or six credit hours per regular semester, 完成90天试用期后. 配偶和孩子,他们被考虑在内 根据联邦学生免费申请的结果 援助 (FAFSA), are eligible on the first day of the term following the employee's one 周年. 兼职教师和工作时间在1/2以上的员工也在 符合条件,但福利是按比例分配的. mySXU门户网站的学费减免政策 在mySXU门户网站申请学费减免


大学 currently offers children of 华人博彩论坛 employee's, who are considered to be dependent under FAFSA, three tuition exchange programs with other 私立学院和大学. 在三个学费交换项目中 参与的大学有:

该大学目前向所有教职员工提供加入 西北社区信用社. 他们提供各种各样的金融服务. 申请及扣款表格如下 可在人力资源办公室或在 新西大学SXU分校 在格雷厄姆管理学院旁边.

大学 currently offers eligible faculty, staff, students, trustees, spouses of faculty and staff, Sisters of Mercy and current 总统's Club members free membership 到 香农中心.

Country House Kitchen Dining Services offers 华人博彩论坛 faculty and staff 在SXU餐厅或咖啡猫购物可享受九折优惠. 要获得资格, 购买者必须出示有效的美洲狮卡. 

该大学目前为所有教职员工提供员工援助. 这项计划是一项保密服务 林肯金融集团 它为有影响的问题提供支持、咨询、推荐和资源 你的生活. 大都会家庭服务中心可以帮助解决以下问题:
  • 财务或法律
  • 孩子/照顾老人
  • 工作与生活的平衡
  • 抑郁和压力
  • 酗酒和吸毒

大学 currently offers eligible faculty and staff members the option of participating 在受抚养人护理和/或医疗保健灵活支出帐户福利计划中. You may elect to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket medical, dental, 其他福利计划未包括的视力或家属护理费用. 华人博彩论坛人数 the plan(s) cannot be revoked during the calendar year and excess contributions cannot 被退回. (请注意:如果你参加了HSA,你的灵活支出账户 will be considered "Limited Purpose," meaning you may only use these funds for dental 和/或只有视觉.)
*本摘要仅供讨论之用. 请与人事部联系 有关优点的详细描述的参考资料.

访问 the 就业 Portal to view all current employment opportunities available 在SXU.




人力资源厅以符合Mercy价值观的方式提供服务 以及华人博彩论坛的使命. 人力资源团队擅长服务, compassion and respect for all employees and welcomes and values diversity, in all 它的形式. 人力资源人员承诺支持员工和教师的工作 履行大学对学生的承诺并提供创造性的重要作用 solutions, proactive planning and problem solving to current, future and retired employees.


Grounded in Catholic identity, mission, and heritage, 华人博彩论坛 is committed 以我们的核心价值观服务于多元化的学习社区. 大学 belongs to all in its community, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, abilities, age, sexual orientations, nationality, or immigration 状态. 教职员工和学生都致力于创造一种有目的的氛围 inclusion by cultivating equity literacy and providing opportunities for meaningful connections and service among diverse people, ideas, and perspectives, in search of 真理和共同利益. 了解更多关于 华人博彩论坛对多元化、公平和包容的承诺.


华人博彩论坛 affirms its position as a Catholic institution, inspired by the heritage of the Sisters of Mercy, and asserts its rights to employ persons who 认同大学的使命、理想及核心价值. 了解更多关于 华人博彩论坛的使命.


华人博彩论坛 will make all 决定s regarding recruitment, hiring, promotions and all other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on grounds of race, color, creed, sex, religion, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran 状态 or other factors that cannot be lawfully the basis for an employment 决定. 招聘决定将基于真正的职业资格 每个申请人. 大学致力于多元化并鼓励申请 来自不同背景和经历的人.


华人博彩论坛致力于帮助SXU社区的成员 提供自己的安全保障.

The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate 每年10月1日向员工和学生发布公开年度安全报告(ASR). 这 ASR must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding three calendar 年, 此外,还详细介绍了为改善校园安全所做的努力.

一年一度的克莱里 安全报告 在SXU上有吗 公共安全 网页提供其他安全资讯. 如果你想收到ASR的小册子 form, you may stop by the Public 安全部门 located on campus in Parking Lot 5(拨打773-298-3541与校园警察联系). 网站和小册子包含信息 regarding campus security and personal safety such as crime prevention and reporting, police law enforcement authority, disciplinary procedures, and other related security 政策. 它们还包含前三个年份的犯罪统计信息 年.

Clery Act crime reporting is not strictly limited to events that occur on campus or 在校园建筑和宿舍内. 机构必须包括犯罪统计数据 发生在以下任何一个地理区域:

  • 在校园里(任何地方).
  • 校内学生宿舍.
  • 校园内的公共财产.
  • 紧挨着校园的公共财产.
  • Non-campus buildings and property owned or controlled by the organization that are used for educational purposes and frequently used by students but not a part of the core campus, or those owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized 按机构划分.

这 information is required by law and is made available by the Saint Xavier Public 安全部门.